Vibrant Synchronies


 Vibrant Synchronies

The official opening of VIBRANT SYNCHRONIES,

an international group exhibition curated by Paola Trevisan

took place at The Kenny Gallery, on Friday 10th May 2013. 

Guest speaker: Marilyn Gaughan, Galway County Arts Officer.


It is with genuine pleasure that we welcome this exhibition entitled “Vibrant Synchronies” from Trevisan International Art. 

This is a cosmopolitan group of fine artists, many of whom have previously been selected to exhibit their work in Estense Castle in Ferrara, Italy. They have come together under the professional guidance and curatorial skills of Paola Trevisan. She provides a strong interactive network for artists from all over the world.

They come together to communicate and share their various cultures and experiences, and to learn from each other.                 

This exciting show consists of the paintings and sculpture of thirteen artists from eleven different countries.  It provides us with a diversity of styles, influences, sensibilities and character from differing ethnic backgrounds. It was made possible by the distinguished Irish painter Fran McCann who features in the exhibition and to whom we are deeply grateful.             

Cuireann muid fíor-chaoin fáilte roimh na h-ealaíontóirí agus a gcuid saothar.


Inger Dillan Antonsen

Her aesthetic and artistic preferences have led Inger Dillan to create paintings that are the product of a demanding period of study and experimentation into abstractionism, rhythm and formal composition, of colour and of the significance of the various tones. The artist is able to identify independent and personal routes where the significance of colour and of the pictorial sign lead her to deep meditation and pictorial experimentation.

Adam Balogh 

“Welcome to this adventurous voyage into the depths of the soul. Phantasy, or ’another’ reality? Back to the origin: out to the stars, or/and into ourselves? Is this mystical world to be found outside in the distant universe, or very close, inside ourselves, in the depths of our being, in the rich internal images of the subconscious? See!”

Sieglinde Battley

“I paint what I see, hear, feel and think every day and at night. I make up stories about this concoction and put it on paper and canvas. I often depict animals in my paintings because they live where I live. These creatures end up sharing the idiosyncrasies of friends, family, business associates and neighbours and they become symbols of my own fears, hopes and desires as well. Often I am surprised what looks back at me from my canvas. These accidents I love most because they might not be so accidental after all”.

Paul Brotherton

“In my work as a Visual Artist and Lecturer in the UK, drawing continues to be a vital component within my studio research and painting practice. Although figurative elements still reference my background and training in Graphic Design, my colourist works are now also infused with passages of abstraction, including developments into what I call Abstract Expressionist Design, creating a “Fusion”... of colour, mood and style."

Rosario D'Espinay Saint-Luc

Matteo Fiorentino  

Michelle Hold 

Ton Lindhout

“My interest in nature and the landscape forms the inspiration for my paintings. My daily walks through beautiful Emsland with Gino, my Labrador, often inspire me to put paint to canvas whereby the exact interpretation of the landscape sometimes disappears during the process. I remain fascinated by the possibility of ending up in a completely different imaginary destination whilst painting.”

Fran McCann

Fran McCann paints his works as if they were jazz improvisations in which the hand is led by the seductive rhythm created by the colours, the rapidly flowing gestures and the tune of the composition. In his paintings one can also often detect the marks of a strong bond with the Irish landscape and its extraordinary scenery of contrasts, mystical charm and echoes of Celtic mythology.

Sara Palleria 

A painter of the inner journey, Sara Palleria was born in Rome where she lives and works. She received her degree in Education Sciences and she continues to work in this research field parallel to her artistic career, with particular reference to the world of colour linked to the psychology of emotions. 

Baerbel Ricklefs-Bahr 

Franz Rittmannsberger

Carol Rowling