MacCarthy, James
 James MacCarthy Sculpture
James Mac Carthy is an estab­lished sculp­tor and painter based in West Cork. He stud­ied sculp­ture at NCAD in the late 1960s and ceram­ics at the Kilkenny Design Work­shop. Mac Carthy’s sculp­ture ranges from small table top pieces to large pub­lic and cor­po­rate art works. The human fig­ure and ani­mal form dom­i­nate his sculp­tural work, tak­ing shape in bronze, cop­per and stone. The sur­round­ing moun­tains and coast­line of West Cork take promi­nence in his painting.

His work is exhib­ited in a num­ber of respec­ted gal­lerys in Ire­land and the UK. They also fea­ture in col­lec­tions such as RTÉ, The Arts Coun­cil, and The Office of Pub­lic Works; as well as many pri­vate col­lec­tions both in Ire­land and abroad.

James Mac Carthy’s Stu­dio is loc­ated in Dun­man­way, County Cork.